Human vs. Environment: Who is responsible?
The article I chose is called “Human-environment interactions in population and ecosystem health”. The citation is as follows: (Alison P. Galvani, 2016) . This article has 4 main topics which include Governance Considerations, Monitoring and Modeling Human-Environment Feedbacks for Ecological Resources, Human Environmental Health, and The Need for Cooperation in Protecting Human- Environment Systems. Collectively, the website article provides information that compares how humans are responsible for environmental problems, how the environment is causing its own problems with natural disaster, or how the environment is affecting humans. It discusses how the government can control the environment through protection, how farmers are ruining our ecosystem, how the environment or humans are responsible for transmittable disease, and how humans think they need to control our ecosystem from deterioration and destabilization. Ultimately, I summarize from this article that humans and the environment are equally responsible for our environmental problems and this is what I find interesting. It is trustworthy and convincing because it provides information from many sites and has a lot of supporting information.
My research topic is: Do humans have an impact on our environment in a positive or negative way? I think there are many questions that need to be answered. Is it humans that have an impact on the environment or is the environment impacted by is own natural disasters? I also wonder if the environment has anything to do with human health. I think humans are having the largest impact on our environment. The information in the article impacts me because I see in my small town how humans are affecting our environment but also how the environment is having a negative effect on itself. I like how the article mentions that preserving oceans and environmental resources is a great idea and I will begin to work on that rather than other ways to “protect the environment”.
Works Cited
Alison P. Galvani, C. T. (2016, December 20). Human-enironment interactions in population and ecosystem health.Retrieved from PNAS:
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